Names like Arrhichion, Dioxippus and Polydamas of Skotoussa were spoken in awed tones among The Fancy of the times. If you believe the works of the great historians of that era, the legends are most impressive. ...
Polydamas of Skotoussa (pankratiast) Polydamas, or Poulydamas, came from the small city of Skotoussa in Thessaly. Pausanias writes of his statue, which he saw in the Altis: The figure on the high pedestal is by Lysippos; ...
theagenes of thasos: boxer, pankratiast & runner diagoras of rhodes: boxer polydamas of skotoussa: pankratiast. melankomas of caria: boxer. when ancient olympics started. the closest date of when the ancient olmpics started was 776 bc.